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Restore Your Teeth With Dental Fillings

Decayed teeth can make chewing painful. As they worsen, you may feel continuous pain or discomfort. Steven M. Miller, DDS offer dental fillings at our Wellington, FL office. As the 2023 Nextdoor Neighborhood Fave, you can count on our attentive team for compassionate dental solutions. We have access to the latest dental technology to diagnose issues accurately and provide you with relief. Our team can customize a treatment plan to help restore the form and function of your teeth. If you’re experiencing pain when you chew, you can count on us for natural-looking fillings.

happy family in living room

What to Expect During Your Dental Filling

A dental filling is a fast and relatively painless dental procedure designed to provide you with relief from your decaying tooth. We have performed countless dental fillings for children and adults in our comfortable office. Whether you’ve scheduled a limited exam due to the pain you’re experiencing or we’ve uncovered a cavity during a routine cleaning, we follow a comprehensive and trusted process to ensure your tooth is protected.

Learn More About Our Tooth-Filling Procedure


First, Dr. Miller or Dr. Tailor will uncover the extent of the decay or damage to determine the necessary treatment.


Next, he will inject local anesthetics targeting the affected tooth. The anesthetics will help numb the pain.

Remove the Cavity

Dr. Miller or Dr. Tailor will use innovative dental tools to remove the damaged portion of your tooth.


The hollowed-out area of the tooth will be filled with a durable composite material to replicate the appearance of your tooth.


We'll harden the filling and then shape it to ensure it feels comfortable when chewing or speaking.

Maintain Good Oral Health With Fillings

The acids in sugar and starch can slowly wear away your tooth enamel. Over time, it can cause cavities, which require dental fillings. Steven M. Miller, DDS performs dental fillings in our office in Wellington, FL to support your oral health. Brushing twice daily, flossing, using mouthwash, and bi-annual dental cleanings are all meant to help prevent cavities and tooth decay. Whether you’re experiencing pain and schedule an exam, or we discover a cavity during your next cleaning, you can feel confident you’ll receive the necessary treatment to provide you with relief. Let our team treat your cavity early on to prevent further damage to your teeth.

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