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Reliable Emergency Dentistry in Wellington, FL

Patients throughout Wellington, FL trust Steven M. Miller, DDS for emergency dentistry services. You may not always know when a dental emergency will occur. However, you can always count on our compassionate and experienced dental professionals to be there for you when you need us most. We offer same-day appointments to provide long-term comfort from chronic and acute dental pain. Our continued commitment to our patients is why we were voted on as Nextdoor 2023 Neighborhood Fave. If you’re experiencing an issue, contact us or visit our office.

family smiling

Types of Dental Emergencies We Treat

Dental emergencies can cause severe pain that will not subside unless properly treated. If your emergency occurs during office hours, we’ll evaluate your teeth, gums, and mouth, offer treatment options to alleviate the pain or refer you to a specialist. If your emergency occurs after hours, please leave a message with our answering service. They will call Dr. Miller, who will contact you as soon as he becomes available. In some cases, it may be necessary to meet you at the office to begin immediate treatment. Some of the most common types of dental emergencies we treat include the following:

  • Broken Teeth
  • Swollen Mouth
  • Missing Crown or Filling

We’re Here When Your Smile Needs Immediate Care

When a dental emergency occurs, time is of the essence. Having access to immediate care is crucial for improving patient outcomes. Whether you’re experiencing a severe toothache, a broken tooth, or a lost filling, our dedicated team is here to offer the urgent dental care you need. Ignoring the issue will only lead to more discomfort. Trust our team to personalize treatment options to provide you with relief. Our responsive emergency dental services will alleviate the pain and help you preserve your oral health. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, visit our office today. Are you calling after hours? That’s okay. Leave a message, and Dr. Miller will get back to you as soon as possible.

Request an Appointment

  • I understand that Protected Health Information (PHI) or sensitive information should not be included in this message.

Make an Appointment With Steven M. Miller, DDS