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Dental Veneers in Wellington, FL

Ready for a complete smile transformation? With dental veneers, placed by Steven M. Miller, DDS, you can get the bright, white smile you’ve always wanted! We are equipped with the latest cosmetic dentistry technologies designed to give you customized results and a comfortable procedure!

someone looking at veneers

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are ultra-thin front teeth covers crafted to mask imperfections in your smile. During the consultation phase, Dr. Miller sizes, shapes, and places the cosmetic veneers based on your personal smile goals.

Additionally, he will give you recommendations so that your unique features can be complimented best. If you have gaps in your smile, veneers can close them in just a couple of appointments as opposed to lengthy orthodontic treatment processes.

Veneers are made to last many years. If you follow the dentist’s instructions, yours could last decades!

We Offer Two Different Types of Dental Veneers at Our Wellington, FL Office

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are the most established and common type of front teeth veneers on the market. They are long-lasting and deliver luminous results.

E.Max Veneers

E.max veneers are composed of an ultra-durable lithium disilicate material. Veneers made with this material have nearly a 100% success rate and contain absolutely no metal!

couple smiling

How Much Do Teeth Veneers Cost?

Out-of-pocket costs for dental veneers vary from patient to patient depending upon the number of veneers selected and the materials used.

At Steven M. Miller, DDS, we accept a range of PPO plans from the nation’s top dental insurers. If you need assistance financing your treatment, you may be eligible for 0% financing plans through third-party lender, CareCredit®.

If you are part of our in-house dental membership plan, ask how you can save on the price of your veneers!

Schedule Your FREE Veneers Consultation Today!

You don’t have to live with a stained, chipped, or gap-filled smile! Call us today to schedule your FREE veneers consultation with Dr. Miller.

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