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Cosmetic Dentistry in Wellington, FL

We strive to make every patient feel comfortable in our office and confident about their dental care. That’s why we offer complimentary consultations with Dr. Miller. Call us today to schedule!

We offer a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures at our Wellington, FL dental office to enhance not only your smile, but your quality of life. Plus, you’ll get a boost to your self confidence!

Dr. Miller is experienced in providing these beautifully crafted, natural looking dental restorations. He has received extensive training with the Rosenthal Institute for Aesthetic Dentistry on management of advanced veneer cases. You can see examples of Dr. Miller’s smile makeovers in our Smile Gallery.

man smiling in grass

Dental Bonding

Bonding is the cosmetic application of tooth-colored composite resin to decayed, chipped or discolored teeth. It can also be used to fill in gaps between teeth or to change the shape of your teeth to be more pleasing.

lady smiling

Porcelain Crowns

For badly decayed or broken front teeth, porcelain dental crowns are the most natural looking crowns and are ideal for restoring teeth in the front of the mouth.

No more gray at the gum line to take away from your smile!

Dental Veneers

If your teeth are stained, chipped, unevenly spaced, and/or are crooked, then veneers may be the cosmetic solution for you. With dental veneers, you can change the color, shape and length of your teeth.

Veneers are considered a long term restorative solution and when properly cared for should last for many years. They are often made of porcelain or lithium disilicate (E-Max). We will customize your new veneers with your input, in some cases, to drastically improve the overall appearance of your smile.

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Teeth Whitening

At Steven M. Miller, DDS, we provide professional teeth whitening options by using the safest and most effective methods. Choose between in-office Opalescence Boost whitening or convenient take-home Opalescence Go teeth whitening treatments for results that are tailored to your unique situation. Get whiter teeth in as quickly as one visit with us, or use custom trays at home to make teeth whitening even easier!

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Laser Gum Recontouring

A diode laser is available to painlessly remove excess gum tissue where needed. It’s ideal for uneven gum margins on one or two teeth (which may cause your smile to look lopsided). Utilizing this technology can save you from a trip to the specialist to correct minor problems.

Experience a new great looking smile at Steven M. Miller, DDS. Your comfort always comes first! Contact us today to book a no-hassle consultation.

Dr. Miller and his staff love to care and provide the best family dental services in Wellington, FL. In most cases our youngest patients start at age two for their first “fun” visit with us, and the parents get to have their teeth cleaned at the same time!

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