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Steven M. Miller, DDS

We enjoy hearing from our patients! To leave a testimonial of your own, please use the button below.

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Dr. Taylor and her staff are amazing! I had such a great experience there as a new patient. I had just moved and was looking for a new dentist, I definitely found it!From the xrays, to the cleaning and even the fillings, everyone was so gentle and polite. I cant recommend this place enough! Even though they dont accept my insurance I am willing to pay out of pocket for my dental care (as I also believe their prices to be very reasonable).

Sam C.

I will have no problem referring patients to the wonderful staff at Dr Millers!!

Don B.

Iris, did a phenomenal job always kind and very gentleInformed me of all I needed.


I wanted to switch my dental care from a "big box" chain to a private dental practice. Dr. Miller was one of many dentists on my insurance plan. I couldnt be more pleased. From the moment I walked in I was treated with kindness, dignity & a level of professionalism I hadnt experienced in quite a while. Dr. Tailor is wonderful. I highly recommend this dental practice.

Margaret L.

I wrote a long testimonial about how pleased I am with the professionalism and friendliness of this office. It disappeared somehow:) Short story: Incredibly friendly from Amanda the office manager to hygienest Chrisitna to Dr. Tailor. Answered my many questions patiently and explained everything thoroughly.Ive never used a medical practice I found on the Internet before.My dentist retired and I needed to see someone quickly.Saw their $59 special ad which normally would make me very suspicious. But I needed to see a dentist.The most comprehensive exam, including evaluating a small problem I was having and dealing with it.At the end. $59. No attempt at upcharge.That of course, is because I am a new patient.My plan is to make Dr. Tailor and staff my primary dental provider.Id give ten stars if possible!

Dave K.

We have been patients of Dr. Miller for 13 years. We have always found him to be a caring and compassionate dentist. Dr. Miller is very skilled and knows exactly what needs to be done. He always is concerned about your comfort during your procedure. Most important, he has been there for us when we had a dental emergency. Highly recommended!Update 7/24 Dr. Miller was out of the office and I was seen by Dr. Taylor. I was very happy with Dr. Taylor and enjoyed her caring and treatment a good experience.

Frederick L.

My two front teeth got knocked out by a bully when I was 7. Since then I have had two terrible caps front and center in my smile. Finally one of the caps fell out and it was time to find a family dentist. My mom was a hygienist in a small town, so I grew up with the dentist folks feeling like family. I have had many dentists over the years since but when I walked into Steven Millers office, it felt like I was back home again.I ended up getting two new front crowns that look great (finally !!) and some other needed work and the whole time I felt taken care of and respected. Dr Miller always informs you about the work, gives you the price (which I consider to be reasonable), and then does a great job of making sure that nothing hurts while he is doing the work. The assistants are all friendly as are the hygienists. I feel very fortunate to have found a family dentist office that I can trust and feel taken care of like I am family.

Bill B.

Excellent dental advice. Very clean and management of sterile tools.

Linda L.

Went in for a 6 month checkup and cleaning. Staff are wonderful, professional, on time. Have been going to them for a few years now. I highly recommend then.

Shawn L.

Dr. Miller has always been very professional, courteous, and up front with his assessments. His staff is finely tuned to help assist Dr. Miller. The hygienist is very knowledgeable and provides excellent care. I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Miller to my friends, family, and anyone searching for excellent dental care.

Dennis D.

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