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A Letter From Dr. Miller

Thank you for visiting our website. My staff and I hope you find it very helpful.

I moved to Wellington with my family in 1986, and I opened this dental practice on February 15, 1988. Since then, I have seen the Village of Wellington grow from a relatively small community with one elementary school to an incorporated city with four elementary schools, complete with the Wellington Green Mall.

Even after all these years, our dental team continues to enjoy taking care of families and patients of all ages. We are proud to say that we are treating third-generation grandchildren of our original patients!

Even though it is not reflected in our name, our office famously caters to “cowards.” If you suffer from anxiety, nitrous oxide (laughing gas) – along with a strong dose of TLC! – can be provided to help you get your treatment done comfortably and efficiently. Patients are treated with modern, proven techniques and all staff members have had advanced hands-on training in many phases of dentistry. Our friendly team also enjoys updating and creating new smiles and strives to make ‘dental-phobics’ feel as comfortable as possible.

We are dedicated to maintaining your entire family’s oral health, offering a warm and welcoming environment for children and adults alike!

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