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Our Dental Technology in Wellington, FL

We strive to incorporate the latest dental technology and procedures to enhance patient comfort and convenience. Below are some of the modern technologies we utilize at our office:

man smiling

Hate Getting Shots?

The DentalVibe is a patented device Dr. Miller uses to help decrease the sensation of pain from numbing injections in almost all areas of the mouth. The DentalVibe uses distracting vibration to trick the brain into not “noticing” the prick of the needle. This tool is very useful and we are proud to be using the 4th generation of this unique technology.

dentist showing patient xrays

Digital X-Rays

Digital X-Rays eliminate the inconvenience and environmental impact associated with disposal of conventional film developers. They also eliminate 90% of the radiation associated with conventional x-rays. The digital images (X-Rays) are also immediately available for viewing and allow the dentist to compare to previous x-rays easily.

PROPHYFlex 3 Portable Air Polisher

The PROPHYFlex 3 Portable Air Polisher is an incredible technology that the hygienist can use to gently remove resistant stains from your teeth with Sodium Free PROPHYpearls, a type of bicarbonate.

Soft Tissue Laser

A diode laser is available to painlessly remove excess tissue and to expose implants when needed to take impressions for their restoration. Many times, having this technology will save you from a trip to the specialist to correct minor problems.

Air Abrasion

Air abrasion is a smart technology that utilizes 27-micron aluminum oxide powder combined with air pressure to prepare small cavities without the need for injections. This is a very conservative procedure and helpful when working on children.

father and daughter smiling

Periodontal Charting (Computerized)

Periodontal charting is a comprehensive exam of your gums and any related bone loss.

In general, we measure the space between the top of your gum and where the gum attaches to your tooth. Areas that are getting deeper than three millimeters may be an early indication of bone loss. Your gums should not bleed when they are gently probed.

We use a computer program called The Florida Probe which was invented at the University of Florida. This program allows us to compare future exams to previous periodontal exams.

CariVu™ Technology

CariVu™ is a simple and fast way to evaluate teeth for cavities that are not easily seen on x-rays, and to check for carious lesions and cracks. This technology has been used in standard screening in Europe for over ten years. We are proud to be one of the first offices in Palm Beach County to offer it since it has become available in the United States.

CariVu™ provides a clear transilluminated clinical image, using no radiation, in order to reveal decay as a darkened area next to the lighter surrounding tooth structure (enamel). This allows Dr. Miller to locate suspicious spots when they are small, in between the teeth, or when x-rays are unclear.

At times, surrounding fillings and crowns as well as overlapped teeth can block the view on the x-ray. Cracks can also be more readily identified due to the tooth being transilluminated. These valuable images are saved within the x-ray data file for comparison and can be monitored over time.

CariVu™ is a fitting technology to the conservative approach that Dr. Miller and his team take. We strive to identify problems before you are aware of them, since symptoms are usually the last warning sign of a dental problem.

lady smiling

Digital Photos

We take 6-8 photos during the initial exam in order to better understand your bite and the health of your gums. It also shows your front teeth.

If you desire a smile makeover, additional photos may be taken. Photos are also very helpful evidence to move insurance companies to cover necessary procedures that do not show up easily on x-rays.


With the CAESY Cloud we have access to more than 280 multimedia presentations on most common dental procedures, featuring 3D animation, full-motion video, narration and colorful, engaging images. The presentations are animations and do not show anything that would be objectionable, such as a disturbing dental health image.

In the office, Dr. Miller or a member of our dental hygiene team may show you the presentation on an iPad or on a screen in the consultation room. Experience gentle, high-tech dentistry in Wellington. Call us today!

Sleep apnea is a disorder that disrupts your breathing while you sleep. If you experience repeated disruption in your sleep, it might be sleep apnea.

DEXIS DEXcam™ 4 HD Intra-Oral Video Camera

DEXcam 4 HD is a cutting-edge intra-oral video camera that offers the latest in comfortable imaging technology. Dr. Miller uses it for rapid, painless diagnosis – and even patient education! The images from DEXcam 4 HD are clear and highly detailed, allowing him to make the most accurate diagnoses possible.

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