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Dental Crown Services in Wellington, FL

At Steven M. Miller, DDS, we provide care that’s always rooted in education and prevention. That said, teeth do require restorations from time-to-time, whether it’s due to injury, decay, or even for cosmetic purposes. In addition to the long list of personalized dental restorations we offer, our team also offers luminous dental crowns constructed from materials that are made to last!

family smiling

What Is a Dental Crown?

A dental crown, also known as a tooth crown or tooth cap, is a common dental restoration designed to preserve a tooth that has been damaged.

We offer standard porcelain crowns, crowns made from luminous Zirconia, and ultra-durable E.max dental crowns. Prior to your procedure, Dr. Miller will educate you on the tooth crown process so that you can be as comfortable as possible both during and after your procedure.

Depending upon the nature of your treatment and placement, Dr. Miller may recommend a specific type of dental crown. For instance, if a front-facing tooth is in need of a crown, he may advise you to opt for discreet, tooth-colored materials. On the other hand, if Dr. Miller is working on a back molar, he may suggest a material that is more resilient against grinding and biting.

lady smiling

How Much Does a Dental Crown Cost?

Out-of-pocket costs for dental crowns vary from patient to patient depending upon the nature of the procedure and the materials used.

At Steven M. Miller, DDS, we accept a range of PPO plans from the nation’s top dental insurers. If you need assistance financing your treatment, you may be eligible for 0% financing plans through third-party lender, CareCredit®.

If you are part of our in-house dental membership plan, ask how you can save on the price of your dental crown!

Schedule Your Tooth Crown Appointment Today!

Call us today to schedule your appointment with Dr. Miller!

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