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Natural-Looking Dental Partials & Bridges in Wellington, FL

Missing teeth can inhibit your ability to speak, eat, and be the most confident version of yourself. At Steven M. Miller, DDS, we can restore your smile with partials and bridges in Wellington, FL. We can replace your missing tooth or teeth using high-quality dental material that provides natural-looking and durable results. If eating food or talking has become more challenging because of a missing tooth, we’re the team you can trust. Learn more about how bridges and partials work, then contact us to schedule your exam today.

family smiling

Do I Need a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge is a prosthetic dental device used to fill the gap created by one or more missing teeth with a replacement. These durable appliances are designed to enhance the appearance of your teeth, improve your ability to chew, and prevent your remaining teeth from shifting over time. Teeth on either side of the gap are prepared by removing a portion of the enamel. Impressions of the teeth are created to ensure the appliance fits comfortably and matches your existing bite profile. Once created, the bridge is secured to the abutment teeth to enhance your smile.

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What Are Partials?

Partials are a type of dental appliance designed to replace one or more missing teeth. A metal framework is created to attach the prosthetic to your remaining teeth and hold it securely. Partials fill in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevent other teeth from changing position. They are often used when bridges or dental implants aren’t possible due to gum disease because they are a less invasive procedure.

Choose Us for Bridges and Partials

Dental bridges and partials are excellent options for patients looking to restore their smiles and improve their oral health. Both offer enhanced dental aesthetics and improved functionality while reducing the likelihood of further decay. At Steven M. Miller, DDS, we can create a dental bridge or partial customized to fit your mouth for a comfortable and natural-looking bite. Contact our team today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards restoring your smile.

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