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Allow Us to Assess Your Oral Healthcare Needs

Limited and comprehensive dental exams at our Wellington, FL office are crucial for creating a customized treatment plan for you. At Steven M. Miller, DDS, we believe every patient deserves personalized dental care to address their specific needs. Our limited and comprehensive plans allow us to assess the condition of your teeth, gums, and soft tissue to determine the correct treatment plan based on numerous factors, including your oral healthcare goals. We utilize the latest techniques and our skilled team’s decades of experience to ensure no aspect of your oral health is overlooked. Learn more about our limited and comprehensive exams, and then contact us to schedule yours.

couple smiling

What to Expect During a Limited Dental Exam

At Steven M. Miller, DDS, you can count on our team to address specific oral healthcare concerns you may be experiencing. Limited dental exams are typically scheduled on an emergency basis to provide patients with immediate relief for tooth sensitivity, loose teeth, bleeding gums, damaged filling, infection, or abscess. During the exam, we will take the time to listen to your concerns, inspect your mouth to identify the issue, and address the problem. Our skilled team of dental hygienists has access to the latest diagnostic equipment to identify the problem you’re experiencing accurately and quickly. Depending on the extent or severity of the issue, we can often provide you with immediate relief. However, numerous follow-up appointments will sometimes need to be scheduled to address the problem completely.

dentist holding dentures

What Is a Comprehensive Dental Exam?

Comprehensive dental exams are part of our new patient process. Our team will thoroughly assess your mouth during your first visit. Our process serves numerous purposes. Firstly, we take the time to learn about your dental history. If you have previously seen another dentist, we may ask you to have them send your dental records to our office. Next, we’ll discuss any oral health goals you have. Finally, we recommend a treatment plan customized to your needs. Our comprehensive dental exams are perfect for discussing restorative and cosmetic dentistry options.

Schedule Your Limited or Comprehensive Dental Examination

Whether you’ve been a member of our dental family since we opened our doors in 1988 or you’re a new patient, we’re committed to providing comprehensive and limited dental examinations to provide you with the treatments you need when you need them most. We treat all our patients with the same level of respect and care, which is why we were named a Nextdoor Neighborhood Fave in 2023. We love serving our local community. Schedule your first examination today or book your limited exam.

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