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ADA-Recommended Bi-Annual Cleanings in Wellington, FL

Brushing, flossing, and mouthwash alone aren’t enough to achieve a bright, healthy smile. Bi-annual cleanings from Steven M. Miller, DDS at our Wellington, FL office are essential for oral health. As your local family dentist, we provide dental cleanings for children as young as two years old. Developing healthy oral habits at a young age is crucial for maintaining positive dental hygiene for a lifetime. Whether you’ve been a part of our office for decades or you scheduled your first cleaning after years away, we’re happy to be a part of your oral healthcare journey.

happy woman smiling

What Are the Signs That I Need a Dental Cleaning?

The American Dental Association recommends bi-annual dental cleanings for maintaining a healthy smile. However, more frequent cleanings may be necessary depending on your dental history and other factors. We offer routine cleanings for patients as young as two years old. Our skilled and professional dental hygienists will remove built-up plaque and tartar unaffected by brushing and flossing and examine your teeth for any decay or disease. There are several signs that you should schedule your dental cleaning immediately:

  • Bad Breath
  • Bleeding Gums
  • Tartar Build-Up
  • Discolored Teeth
  • Tooth Pain or Sensitivity

Choose Your Local, Award-Winning Dentist

Dr. Miller, Dr. Tailor, and the dental professionals at Steven M. Miller, DDS work together to deliver exceptional dental solutions, including bi-annual cleanings for our patients. As your local family dentist, we’re committed to ensuring you receive the personalized care and attention you deserve. Our team’s continued dedication to our patients has made us a Nextdoor Neighborhood top pick. Whether you’re scheduling a bi-annual cleaning or need a more comprehensive dental treatment plan created to restore your smile, we’re the team you can trust. We’ve partnered with many of the top dental insurers in the industry to help make getting the necessary care easier. Visit or call us today to schedule your next appointment.

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