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Insurance and Financing Information

Steven M. Miller, DDS works hard to ensure that your family’s dental care works with your budget. That’s why we accept insurance plans from the nation’s largest carriers, as well as Anchor Benefits. We also offer an in-house dental membership plan for those without dental insurance. If you need help financing your treatment, our team can help you set up a no-interest payment plan through CareCredit® or LendingClub.

No matter your situation, our friendly team is here to make your dental financing experience just as pleasant as your dental care experience!

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We Accept PPO Dental Insurance & Anchor Benefits!

We are in-network with the following PPO insurance companies:

  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • Delta Dental Premier
  • Guardian
  • Humana
  • MetLife
  • United Healthcare

We also work with Anchor Benefits through the City of Wellington.

If your insurance is out-of-network, we will let you know before your dental treatment. Even so, we will still be happy to file any claims on your behalf. Our knowledgeable front desk staff is here to do the hard work for you!

No Dental Insurance? We Can Help!

We want to make sure all of our patients can get the quality dental care they deserve. However, we understand that budgeting for your dental health can be a challenge, especially if you don’t have dental insurance. That’s why we offer an in-house dental discount membership plan! This plan is the perfect solution for patients who don’t have dental insurance AND for patients whose dental insurance isn’t enough to cover the dental services they need. Click below for more information.

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Financial Agreements

We believe that a healthy and beautiful smile should be attainable for all of our patients, which is why we work hard to provide you with affordable financing options. We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover, as well as debit cards.

Third-party financing is available through CareCredit, LendingClub, and Cherry. These financing options are available for twelve months.

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