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Personalized Dental Treatments for the Entire Family

Wellington, FL Trusted Family Dentist

Since 1988, families throughout Wellington, FL have trusted Steven M. Miller, DDS for complete dental solutions. We offer a wide range of treatment plans for children, teens, and adults to help them achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Dr. Miller and Dr. Tailor can customize your treatment to match your particular needs. Whether you want relief from a toothache, to enhance the form and function of your teeth, a better night’s sleep, or to improve the appearance of your smile, you can count on us to be there to assist you.

General Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Oral Surgery
Restorative Dentistry
lady smiling

Helping You Achieve Your Oral Healthcare Goals

Dr. Miller, Dr. Tailor, and the team of dental professionals at Steven M. Miller, DDS work together to help each patient achieve their ideal oral health. We understand that affordability is a significant consideration for many families when choosing the right dental care, which is why we offer numerous ways to pay. We’ve partnered with many of the industry’s largest PPO insurance companies. We also offer affordable financing options for patients who are out of network. Our special offers and dental discount membership provide even more payment flexibility to ensure your level of care matches your budget.

Now Offering Limited Time Dental Specials!

Steven M. Miller, DDS is committed to helping patients afford their dental care needs.

Offers Expire: December 30th, 2024

New Patient Special

We love seeing new patients and want to make it easy for you to enjoy a healthy smile! Schedule your first visit with Dr. Miller for only $59.

Denture / Dental Implant Consultation

Are you embarrassed to smile in photos? Let us help you smile with confidence again! Call today to schedule your complimentary denture or dental implant consultation.

Emergency Appointments Available
Same Day

Steven M. Miller, DDS is here to care for you in the case of a painful dental emergency. Call us today to schedule a same-day emergency appointment!

father and daughter smiling

Become a Patient Today

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Learn How We’ve Transformed Smiles

Steven M. Miller, DDS

12788 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 2001
Wellington, FL 33414



Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM

12788 Forest Hill Blvd, Wellington, FL 33414, USA